For Wall & Ceilings
High opacity paints that create a focal point in spaces that draw attention by introducing subtle colours to a tonal scheme. Smooth finishes that have a low sheen that can hide imperfections.
Color Shades
Brilliant White 600
Pearl White 633
Antique White 690
Ash White 602
Peach Orchid 608
Kitten White 694
Off White 601
Cockleshell 635
Orchard Lane 604
Puff 634
Fresh Cut 691
Beige 660
Pink Violet 688
Eternity 610
Torres Blue 625
Peach Goddess 686
Spiney Green 621
Lime Yellow 673
Light Green 692
Red Purple 618
Tile Red 682
Thousand Nights New 612
Blue Flame 617
Green Summit New 613
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